Party 26 - 27 abr 13 · Open Air · Dahab, Egipto Line Up: MARIEKE & FRIENDS [Psyrock Intro]BEATHEAD [Sun Department Rec.] - Progressive & Psychedelic GoatranceInfo: Namasté from the Sinai! In April 2013 you are invited to come to the desert in the beau tiful town of Dahab at the shores of the Red Sea to celebrate a mindful and psychedelic event... The DESERT DANC…Location: To get to the location you will have the possibility to take… Termina: 11a 10m · 1.137 · Apuntado de DJ Beathead Fotos0 Gente DESERT DANCE 2013 Dahab · Egipto vie, 26 abr 13, 21:00 - sáb, 27 abr, 12:00= 15hOpen Air · Termina: 11a 10m