Party 12 - 13 dic 09 · In- & Outdoor · VSH Versuchsstollen Hagerbach Flums, Suiza / 15 Line Up: Progressive Minimal Elektro Floor Ticon (Digital Structures, Sweden) Khainz Sprout, Autist/FranzFranz, Kumquat, S.A.S CH Dualism numbolic-revolver-maschine-archipel-miniatura Freaky Dads Electroni…Progressive Minimal Elektro Floor Kara_Maehl Echoes - Kinky Beats - Bluetunes - Plusquam El Fabio Midijum Records Germany Jackatek/Akustik Spin Twist/SOE / SmartMonkeys aka C-Mohn vs. Idefix (Pipp…Info: Way to Party Intercity or Regio train to Sargans, shuttle bus to the party. Highway A3, exit Flums or Sargans and follow the map. We recommend to travel with public transport.Location: Deep In takes place in the fascinating and unique gallery ne… Termina: 15a 2m · 14.019 · Apuntado de Tschernobyllies Fotos0 Gente Deep In VSH Versuchsstollen Hagerba… · Suiza sáb, 12 dic 09, 20:00 - dom, 13 dic, 14:00= 18hIn- & Outdoor · / 15 · Termina: 15a 2m