Sorry, you have accessed a page that is only accessible to members.Click here to go to the Member Login Party 16 - 17 may 10 · Open Air · 15 K.M. FROM POKHARA , Nepal Line Up: Hashi Chopstick ( japan) Cosmic Dancer (malta) Baba bhang (india) mickey (Nepal) Aseem (Nepal) Tadayam (Japan) Shiva (India) Nirdosh (Nepal)Info: Dark-Moon Party is Happening on Isolated hill top in the wilds of Syangja 15 k.m.from Pokhara the remote party peak small rural villages, open valleys and full Panoramic Views of the Himalayas can be s…Location: 15 k . M. From Pokhara +977-9803541176 Termina: 14a 9m · 2.477 · Apuntado de shiva thandv Fotos0 Gente DARK-MOON PARTY 15 K.m. From Pokhara · Nepal dom, 16 may 10, 19:00 - lun, 17 may, 12:00= 17hOpen Air · Termina: 14a 9m