Party 2 - 3 ene 11 · Indoor · Edinburgh, Reino Unido Line Up: DARK EL KANTE (6D-Soundz, Random Rec. / Spain) FLOW (Planet monkey / Portugal) ROWAN (Planet monkey / UK) DISCOoRDINATION (Planet moonkey / UK)Info: Worldwide Launch party of the Indigenous S.O.S. Benefit Project (Random Rec.), a 3cd album created to support the Cofanes Indigenous refugees in Colombia who lost their land and natural way of life in…Location: Studio 24-26 Calton Road Edinburgh Termina: 14a 2m · 1.762 · Apuntado de Dark el kante Fotos0 Gente COSMIC's Launch Party of Indigenous S.O.S. Benefit Project Edinburgh · Reino Unido dom, 2 ene 11, 23:00 - lun, 3 ene, 03:00= 4hIndoor · Termina: 14a 2m