Hoppla! Du hast eine Seite aufgerufen, die nur für Member erreichbar ist.Hier geht es zum Member Login Party 8 - 9 ene 10 · Indoor · Edinburgh, Reino Unido Line Up: SLEEP PARALYSIS (Planet monkey / Greece) DARK EL KANTE (Adama records / Spain) TZOLKIN (Timelord 2012 / UK) ROWAN (Planet monkey / UK)Info: Planet monkey, Random and Timelord 2012 presents a night of Full-on, banging Psy-trance, dirty Progressive. Guests + resident Djs, full UV decor enviroment, fractal visuals, conscious dancefloor and h…Location: Studio 24, 24-26 Calton rd Edinburgh Termina: 15a 2m · 1.351 · Apuntado de Dark el kante Fotos0 Gente COSMIC Edinburgh · Reino Unido vie, 8 ene 10, 23:00 - sáb, 9 ene, 03:00= 4hIndoor · Termina: 15a 2m