Party 15 - 16 mar 25 · Club · Sion, Suiza NEWUPDATENEW DATE Line Up: Val Vashar - Zenon Rec, Modem Festival Karash - Vantara Vichitra Rec. Amazon - Urban Antidote Rec. Stahel - Basswars, NachtfalterInfo: -English- Contrast is the opposition between rhythms, textures, and intensities that gives music its richness. It’s what we explore during this event, where techno and psytrance intersect to create so…Location: L'Ambassade, Chem. Saint-Hubert 34, 1950 Sion Empieza en 10d 22h · 17 · Actualizado 3h 16min · Apuntado de Stahel Meeting0 Gente Contraste Sion · Suiza · Mapa sáb, 15 mar 25, 22:00 - dom, 16 mar, 06:00= 8hClub · NEWUPDATENEW DATE · Empieza en 10d 22h