Party 30 abr - 1 may 11 · Indoor · London, Reino Unido Line Up: ★ ETNICA (Etnicanet) .. ★ LIFTSHIFT (Neurobiotic Records) ★ MECHANIMAL (Mutagen Records/ElecTribe) ★ DIRTY SAFFI (Bom Shanka Music)★ SILICON SOUND (Neurobiotic Records) ★ DIGOA (Alchemy Records/Digital Hive) ★ EDOARDO ( Neurobiotic Records) ★ HOPI (Dragonfly) ★ NIK SEQUENCI (Tranceform) ★…Info: Neurobiotic Records, Digital Hive & ElecTribe, after a little break, join forces to bring you this special party... with some of the biggest names on the Psytrance scene, mixing up the old school and…Location: Secret warehouse in central London Termina: 13a 10m · 1.769 · Apuntado de edoardo@neurobiotic Fotos0 Gente ★ CONNECTED ★ London · Reino Unido sáb, 30 abr 11, 22:00 - dom, 1 may, 12:00= 14hIndoor · Termina: 13a 10m