Party 6 - 7 nov 10 · Club · London, Reino Unido Line Up: ►*JOURNEY (Free-Spirit Records)DJ's: ►*Special Guest FACE (Flying inn from Milan, Italy) (Free-Spirit Records) Residents: ►*SATI (PL) (Cohesion / Free-Spirit Records) ►*PROZAK (Cohesion /…Info: Thank you all for the great vibes at the October Cohesion. With all the celebrations of birthdays and engagements. Was so good to see so many of you there. Cohesion wouldn’t be the same without you al…Location: 414 Coldharbour Lane, Brixton, SW9 8LF London/UK Termina: 14a 3m · 990 · Apuntado de prozak Fotos0 Gente Cohesion With Journey Live +Special Guest From Italy DJ Face London · Reino Unido sáb, 6 nov 10, 23:00 - dom, 7 nov, 07:00= 8hClub · Termina: 14a 3m