Party 30 - 31 may 09 · Club · Vauxhall, London, Reino Unido Info: Where as some promoters think it's great to have 28 dj's play 15 minute sets, we believe a good DJ should be allowed to build a Journey ~ So, at Chemistry each DJ has a solid 2 hours or more, in order…Location: Club Colosseum - 200 meters from Train/tube/nightbuses/taxi/… Termina: 15a 6m · 1.570 · Apuntado de panorama Fotos0 Gente Chemistry London Vauxhall, London · Reino Unido sáb, 30 may 09, 23:00 - dom, 31 may, 08:00= 9hClub · Termina: 15a 6m