Party 8 - 9 nov 24 · Indoor · BARCELONA, España Line Up: BOOMSHANKAR / BMSS Records Z - CAT / United Beats Records MAD MAXX / United Beats Records SHANTI PEOPLE FORESTBAMP CERNUNNOS CHAAC SPACE DROPPER LIGHTWORMIEInfo: 08 NOV - PARALLEL62 THEATER - BARCELONA Three years have passed since this beautiful trip and we celebrate it with a magical and epic meeting in the center of Barcelona ✨ A theater is transformed into…Location: Teatro Parallel 62, Av. del Paral·lel, 62, Ciutat Vella 08001 Barcelona, 08001 Barcelona Termina: 2m 24d · 54 · Apuntado de Misa Psicodelika Reportes0 Fotos0 Meeting0 Gente BOOMSHANKAR IN BASRCELONA! ANNIVERSARY III MISA PSICODELIKA BARCELONA Barcelona · España · Mapa vie, 8 nov 24, 19:00 - sáb, 9 nov, 03:00= 8hIndoor · Termina: 2m 24d