Party 27 abr 15, 12:00 - 20:00 · Indoor · Amsterdam, Países Bajos Line Up: The traditional party given by Bom Voyage at the Droogbak near Amsterdam Central Station. The permit has arrived and the party is a go! ✰ LINE UP: CONFO - Parvati Recs. GR PHASENVERCSHIEBUNGEN - Zeno…Location: Droogbak 1 Termina: 9a 10m · 1.413 · Apuntado de Back To Mars Fotos0 Gente ✰ BOM VOYAGE KINGSDAY PARTY 2015 ✰ Amsterdam · Países Bajos · Mapa lun, 27 abr 15, 12:00 - 20:00= 8hIndoor · Termina: 9a 10m