Party 6 - 7 nov 15 · Club · Amsterdam, Países Bajos Line Up: ✰ HYPOGEO - Zenon Records, IT ONKEL DUNKEL - Parvati Records, DK GRAPES OF WRATH - Parvati Records, DK TULPA - BioMechanix Records, LV DOGO - Bom Voyage, Indali Records, NL THD - Kosmic Fusi…Info: ✰ As the days grow shorter and the temperature drops, Bom Voyage is finally back to take off with the first event of its indoor season! This time we invite you to come along with us into a brand new l…Location: ✰ ITW @ NDSM Address: TT. Neveritaweg 15, Amsterdam, The Net… Termina: 9a 2m · 1.800 · Apuntado de Back To Mars Fotos0 Gente ✰ BOM VOYAGE @ ITW, NDSM ✰ Amsterdam · Países Bajos · Mapa vie, 6 nov 15, 23:00 - sáb, 7 nov, 08:00= 9hClub · Termina: 9a 2m