Party 9 - 10 nov 24 · Club · Biberist, Suiza Line Up: Liveact: -Genari- 🇧🇷 (Slambient) Anomalistic Rec. The Endless Knot -Xenrox- 🇦🇹 (Hitech) Kamino Rec. -Yucatec-🇦🇹 (Hitech) Speeding Rec. Squamata Rec. Abstract Sound Design -Narxz- 🇨🇭 (Hitech) Razzle…Info: 🎶 Blacklight Underground 4 🎶 Join us on the 9th of November for an unforgettable night full of heavy basslines, hypnotic rhythms, and mind-bending soundscapes! This will be an epic journey through som…Location: Biberena, Emmenstrasse 3, 4562 Biberist Termina: 3m 25d · 392 · Apuntado de Razzle Dazzle Records Reportes0 Fotos0 Meeting0 Gente Blacklight Underground IV Biberist · Suiza · Mapa sáb, 9 nov 24, 22:00 - dom, 10 nov, 10:00= 12hClub · Termina: 3m 25d