Party 12 - 13 dic 08 · Indoor · Hamburg, Alemania / 3 Line Up: The Hamburg based DJs Benni Moon and Fabio are celebrating their birthday. MOONTALES (Spintwist Rec.)FABIO (Plusquam Rec.) BENNI & MARCO MOON (Spintwist Rec.) MAGICAL (Planet Ben Rec.) MAZEN (Neodur / HH) DENSE (Kondense Rec.) DIE(P)SYDEN (Fantasy Psyland) and many many more.Info: The Hamburg based DJs Benni Moon and Fabio are celebrating their birthday. Am 12. ist es wieder soweit. Ein Jahr ist seit der letzten Be Progressive vergangen und wir moechten erneut zu einer klein…Location: Sugar Ex-Millenium Ship Eiffestrasse 584 20537 Hamburg Termina: 16a 2m · 3.676 · Apuntado de Benni Fotos0 Gente Be Progressive 2 Hamburg · Alemania vie, 12 dic 08, 22:00 - sáb, 13 dic, 10:30= 12h 30minIndoor · / 3 · Termina: 16a 2m