Party 3 - 4 jul 10 · In- & Outdoor · The Hague, Países Bajos Line Up: VIRIS MARVYN DARZID JIGGI PSYLATINOInfo: It's an Indoor - Outdoor event with 2 areas. We have visuals, fluorchop, chaishop and place for 400 psychedelic people.Location: de Pip - Bink 36 - Binckhorstlaan 36 Termina: 14a 8m · 1.915 · Apuntado de jiggi Fotos0 Gente BabaPower presents: Psychedelic Storm The Hague · Países Bajos sáb, 3 jul 10, 21:00 - dom, 4 jul, 04:00= 7hIn- & Outdoor · Termina: 14a 8m