Party 3 - 4 oct 09 · Indoor · Hasselt, Bélgica / 2 Line Up: YAHEL IN CONCERT ! never done live act !(gitarist and drummer) + oldskool set ASTRAL PROJECTION live KOXBOX live+oldskool set ! (denmark) SYNSUN live+ oldskool set ! (phonokol rec oekraine) FIRAGA (ag…Info: again B2B will reach to a higher level of psytrance parties with al kind of shows...stunning decorations and area etc etc ! be prepared ....Location: grenslandhallen hasselt Termina: 15a 5m · 6.589 · Apuntado de firaga Fotos0 Gente B2B :psygathering 2009 YAHEL,ASTRAL PROJECTION,KOXBOX,SYNUN Hasselt · Bélgica sáb, 3 oct 09, 22:00 - dom, 4 oct, 08:00= 10hIndoor · / 2 · Termina: 15a 5m