Party 29 - 30 jul 23 · Open Air · Teotihuacán de Arista, México Line Up: Ace Ventura Aura Vortex Shanti Omiki Jumpstreet Sun Project Deedrah Sajanka Krome Angels Becker more artists to be confirmedInfo: Atmosphere is an electronic music festival organized by Ommix, one of the leading brands in the electronic music industry in Mexico. Since its creation, Atmosphere by Ommix has become one of the most… Termina: 1a 4m · 1.082 · Apuntado de Universo Reportes0 Fotos0 Meeting0 Gente ATMOSPHERE FESTIVAL 2023 BY OMMIX - CDMX SOUTH AUTHORIZED TOUR Teotihuacán de Arista · México · Mapa sáb, 29 jul 23, 17:00 - dom, 30 jul, 18:00= 1d 1hOpen Air · Termina: 1a 4m