¡Uy! Ha accedido a una página a la que sólo pueden acceder los miembros.Aquí está la Inicio de sesión de los miembros Party 23 - 24 feb 08 · Indoor · ALESSANDRIA AREA, Italia / 7 Line Up: ANKUR (Noise poison rec, Mass Abduction rec) GERMANY Ankur is spinning records under his real name with 50% blood from India, but grew up in the Westsite of Germany. His first contact with electronic…HYDRA (Mass Abduction rec, Pure state of mind) RomaFOG (Peak rec, Looney Moon rec) TorinoNICO (Atlantix Tribe) AlessandriaLUKINO (Atlantix tribe) Alessandria SASHA (Cereda crew) MilanoI-ONE (Light War…Info: Outline soundsystem by Cereda Crew Festa privata solo per amici o amici di amici...chiedi a qualche amico che ci conosce e saprà dirti a chi scrivere per inserirti in lista Ingresso solo in lista - ma…Location: ...the hotel in the bush... Termina: 16a 11m · 5.266 · Apuntado de Looney Fotos0 Gente ATLANTIX LAND - 2nd edition (ANKUR LIVE) Alessandria Area · Italia sáb, 23 feb 08, 17:00 - dom, 24 feb, 14:00= 21hIndoor · / 7 · Termina: 16a 11m