Party 10 - 11 feb 12 · Club · Vilnius, Lituania Line Up: Peace Data (Arkona Creation Records, Sunstation Records UK) 'Trancescenedental' album presentationIn’R’Voice (Uber Trend Records, UK) Zooch (Arkona Creation, Lithuania/UK) Petrix (Arkona Creation Records, Ukraine)Info: Now 4 years old Arkona Creation weaves a wondrous spell of happiness, love & joy to make our party in Vilnius/Lithuania an unforgettable journey! We hold you dear, so come for some cheer, love and dan…Location: SPOT club, Jakšto street 9, LT-01105 Vilnius, Lithuania Termina: 13a · 821 · Apuntado de Zooch Fotos0 Gente Arkona Creation - Label Bash - Vilnius/Lithuania Vilnius · Lituania vie, 10 feb 12, 22:00 - sáb, 11 feb, 06:00= 8hClub · Termina: 13a