Party 7 - 8 feb 25 · Club · Aarau, Suiza Line Up: 🌌 Arcturians Presents Bom Shanka Music Label Night 🌌 Legend speaks of the Arcturians, celestial beings of immense wisdom and creativity, who guide humanity through energy, art, and sound and elevate i…Location: Club-Schlaflos, Tellistrasse 118, 5000 Aarau Termina: 24d 15h · 527 · Apuntado de Arcturians Productions Reportes0 Fotos0 Meeting0 Gente Arcturians Presents: Bom Shanka Music Label Night Aarau · Suiza · Mapa vie, 7 feb 25, 23:00 - sáb, 8 feb, 06:00= 7hClub · Termina: 24d 15h