Party 28 feb - 1 mar 03 · Indoor · area Ghent, Bélgica / 3 Line Up: HUMAN BLUE (Spiral Trax, Sweden)RAWE (Sonic Distortion, Czech Republic) MOUSHKA (Dhangar Nomads, Essence of Progression) PSYONIC vs JANUA (Isralien cave expedition, sixOfour prod.) KAIRON (Kairoo rec.)Info: Once again we invite you on a trip in psychedelic trance. Everybody, feel free to join us... Entrance will be 13euroLocation: see flyer Termina: 22a · 3.345 · Apuntado de Amon Tribe Fotos0 Gente AMON HORUS - Floating in psychedelic trance area Ghent · Bélgica vie, 28 feb 03, 23:00 - sáb, 1 mar, 13:00= 14hIndoor · / 3 · Termina: 22a