Party 9 - 10 oct 10 · Indoor · Berlin, Alemania / 31 Line Up: Kasatka (Bionic Instinct Records / Active Meditation Music) - Germany Jesus Raves (Ultiva Records) - Serbia -> first time in Germany Kanibal Holokaust (Ultiva Records) - Serbia -> first time i…Abralabim (Amnesiecrew / Discovalley Rec.) - Germany Brain Attack (Head of Amnesietheater) - Germany Chaosstepzz´ (Dark Brain Massage) - Germany Dr. oguH (Ultra Violence Rec. / Dark Night Events) -…Info: Chai & Indian Finger Food by chai baba Two Serbian projects, famous ninjas KanibaL HolokausT and Jesus Raves on warm, summer snowing day came on idea to join a forces to twist their psychedelic and we…Location: ARENA BERLIN / Glashaus Eichenstraße 4 12435 Berlin 5 Min. F… Termina: 14a 5m · 12.633 · Apuntado de Steffen *Brain Attack* Fotos0 Gente Amnesietheater - Genetic Research Berlin · Alemania sáb, 9 oct 10, 21:30 - dom, 10 oct, 16:00= 18h 30minIndoor · / 31 · Termina: 14a 5m