Sorry, you have accessed a page that is only accessible to members.Click here to go to the Member Login Party 22 - 23 oct 05 · Indoor · Obfelden, near Zürich, Suiza Line Up: Audiomatic (AP rec. / Sinn Tec rec.) Analog Shock MidimalZolli (BTP) Tune-X (BTP), Psychomatik (BTP) Merlin CH (BTP), Mosaik (BTP) Liquid Noise (BTP), Öm Gnom TwoFace (Rivendale), B52 (Sinn-Tec rec.) Benni (Audiomatic)Info: Bar, minimal food, UV-Dekos, laser & video animation by Psyfaction, fettes Soundsystem.Location: Glashaus Obfelden. Vom Bahnhof Affoltern am Albis beim Kreis… Termina: 19a 4m · 2.621 · Apuntado de Benni Fotos0 Gente Alle Jahre Wieder Obfelden, near Zürich · Suiza sáb, 22 oct 05, 22:00 - dom, 23 oct, 12:00= 14hIndoor · Termina: 19a 4m