Party 12 - 13 feb 10 · Indoor · Beijing, China Line Up: - Pete (UK) - Michael (CN) - Microgram (IL)Info: Beijing's only Psytrance crew return to Obiwan for a night of electronic nirvana, complete with blacklights, incense and the latest sounds from the world's biggest underground scene. DJ Pete, Michael…Location: Obiwan Houhai 后海 4 Xihai Xiyan (300m from Jish… Termina: 15a 1m · 1.889 · Apuntado de Gotama Fotos0 Gente A night of psytance in Beijing Beijing · China vie, 12 feb 10, 22:00 - sáb, 13 feb, 04:00= 6hIndoor · Termina: 15a 1m