Party 27 - 28 ene 18 · Indoor · Groningen, Países Bajos Line Up: hole 1: Dark / Forest ===== Live > - Psyconoclast (Independent) DE - Xian (Synaptic Eclips) DE - Psymax (3rd BIT) NL - Elunami (Cyberbay rec.) NL - Paul B (3rd BIT / Forest Freaks)…Info: This final edition of Beats Down The Rabbithole will be the best one. The last 4 years, we (Rabbithole crew), tried to create a more beautifull place than the year before and so far we (Rabbithole cre…Location: Pop Dijkemaweg 31b Groningen (NL) Termina: 7a 1m · 1.513 · Apuntado de Pandorras Box Fotos0 Gente Beats Down The Rabbithole 5 (final edition) Groningen · Países Bajos · Mapa sáb, 27 ene 18, 22:00 - dom, 28 ene, 06:00= 8hIndoor · Termina: 7a 1m