Party 3 - 4 nov 17 · Indoor · Londen, Reino Unido Line Up: Atom Productions resurrects one of London’s most hair-raising psychedelic adventures, first born 10 years ago in the depths of the London underground. With Halloween looming, this the perfect oppor…Info: Atom Productions resurrects one of London’s most hair-raising psychedelic adventures, first born 10 years ago in the depths of the London underground. With Halloween looming, this the perfect oppor…Location: Boombox Lab, London E17 8AX Termina: 7a 4m · 346 · Apuntado de Tara Fotos0 Gente Return of the Atom 10-year Anniversary Halloween Ball Londen · Reino Unido · Mapa vie, 3 nov 17, 22:00 - sáb, 4 nov, 07:00= 9hIndoor · Termina: 7a 4m