Party 17 - 19 mar 17 · Open Air · Chorrera, Panamá Line Up: Monofraktal (PAN) Robert Leoni (ITA) Mr Nobody (PAN) Ewan-A (CHE) Mind Pulse (PAN) SporeCarrier (HUN) Tiefenrausch (AUT) Aguilar (SLV) RatinBass (PAN) Cactuss Portal (VEN) Sadhana (HUN) Etheric Replic…Info: Lets heal through water opening our hearts to each other and rise the vibration of the planet. A weekend of healing through meditation vibration and dance learning about the connection between mother…Location: Secret Location (for more details contact us at Termina: 7a 11m · 1.771 · Apuntado de Impulse Response Fotos0 Gente H2O "healing to open celebration" Chorrera · Panamá · Mapa vie, 17 mar 17, 16:30 - dom, 19 mar, 16:30= 2dOpen Air · Termina: 7a 11m