Party 3 - 4 dic 16 · Indoor · Manchester, Reino Unido Line Up: Upstairs: Psychedelic Trance, Residents & Guests playing a Psychedelic symphony for your dancing delights: Special Guest: Scorb ( Trick Music ) Guest Djs: Alien X ( Badpeopleinthewoods ) "New up…Info: Come and join us on the dancefloors once again for our Winter Dance! Bring a balance of male and female energy to the dancefloors. Neither is more or less important than the other - they simply off…Location: R-Base, 42 Charles Street, Manchester, M1 7DB Termina: 8a 18d · 1.007 · Apuntado de AudioAddictz Fotos0 Gente AudioAddictz Live Winter Dance Presents Scorb Manchester · Reino Unido · Mapa sáb, 3 dic 16, 21:00 - dom, 4 dic, 04:00= 7hIndoor · Termina: 8a 18d