Party 9 - 10 nov 13 · Indoor · Berlin, Alemania Line Up: Down in the Dj line upObscure/live (Klangexoten/Delude Rec.) ---> (Dark Tekk) 23-0 Baszi (Freedoom) ---> (Darkpsy) 0-2 Frühling (Soundviecher Berlin) ---> (Dark/Forest) 2-4 Psyruss(SpaceSunNight) (Darkpsy) 4-6 Oh…Info: Bezahlbare Getränke Darkpsy&Core/strictly only the hardest stuff We have open end minimum until sunday evening = ) hope to see you all on the floor = ) INFOS: Laser show / Beamer ? in the lineup just…Location: Spreerausch / Altes Schabernack Spreerausch Wilhelminenhofst… Termina: 11a 4m · 2.878 · Apuntado de GoaFetischIsMuss Fotos0 Gente Dark & Geballer // Afterhour for Ritus Amentia Berlin · Alemania · Mapa sáb, 9 nov 13, 23:00 - dom, 10 nov, 17:00= 18hIndoor · Termina: 11a 4m