Party 23 - 26 dic 10 · Indoor · Bülach, Suiza / 7 Line Up: ALTÖM (Neurobiotic Rec. / France) Presents a special set of his classics! BIOGENESIS (Nutek Rec. / Mexico) VOYAGER (Neurobiotic / Phantasm Rec. / France) ATMA (BMSS Rec. / Germany) Presents his new…JACKOMO (Sounds of Earth / Switzerland) BOOM SHANKAR (BMSS Rec. / Transition / Germany) KAJOLA (Zero Gravity / BMSS Rec. / Austria) BIOGENESIS (Nutek Rec. / Mexico) MARCO SCHERER & DJ MEL (Meller / BM…Info: More Infos soon...Location: Club UG Bülach Schützenmattstrasse 11 8091 Bülach Termina: 14a 2m · 11.029 · Apuntado de Boom Shankar Fotos0 Gente 72 Hours (22 Live Acts & 50 Djs on 3 Floors!) Bülach · Suiza jue, 23 dic 10, 22:00 - dom, 26 dic, 22:00= 3dIndoor · / 7 · Termina: 14a 2m