Sorry, you have accessed a page that is only accessible to members.Click here to go to the Member Login Party 24 - 26 jul 09 · Festival · ØSTERHURUP, Dinamarca Line Up: Stage of Liberty Live @ Psy/prog stage: Audiomatic (Spintwist Rec) DE Beat Hackers (Agitato Rec) ISR Cyber Cartel (Agitato Rec) ISR Neelix (Spintwist Rec / Glamour Studios) DE Mantra Flow (Triptonite…Stage of Liberty Djs@Psy/prog stage: Benjamin Halfmann (Spintwist Rec) DE Betterøv (Scientific Sequence) DK Electrocute DK Kristian (Trancient Rec) UK Djane Lil´li (Scientific Sequence) DK Montagu & G…Info: Info: Sted/location Øster hurup Fruelundparken Fruelundvej 7 9560 Hadsund Dato/Date 24 og 25 Juli/July Aldersgrænse/Age limit 16+ Hjemmeside/Homepage Summer Angel støtterLocation: ØSTERHURUP JYLLAND DENMARK. Termina: 15a 7m · 2.968 · Apuntado de Mantra Flow Fotos0 Gente SUMMER ANGEL FESTIVAL 2009 Østerhurup · Dinamarca · Mapa vie, 24 jul 09, 20:00 - dom, 26 jul, 12:00= 1d 16hFestival · Termina: 15a 7m