Party 29 abr - 3 may 09 · Festival · Poiana Cerbului, near Dragasani, jud Olt, Rumania / 15 Line Up: ATRIOHM [Parvati Rec - Macedonia] -ATMA [Yellow Sunshine Explosion - Romania] -AODIOIBOA [Night Oracle Rec - Germany] -E-MANTRA [Suntrip Rec - Romania] -SHIVA3 [LUA Rec / Trancemoon / Euphoria / Miste…DJANE GABY [Dreamvision / Cosmicleaf - Slovenia] -SHEV & DINA [Elestial Rec - Macedonia] -GINO [Sonica Festival - Italy] -LATAM [Thrancians - Romania] -KUNDALINI [Intelligent Monkey - Bulgaria] -TRIPI…Info: Revenim cu a doua editie a Rebirth cu tema Pamantului, vrand sa focalizam atentia pe elementul care semnifica si inceputul si sfarsitul, si deci viata in general, apropierea de el fiind esentiala pent…Location: ~~~~~ please note that this date is not very warm in the mou… Termina: 15a 10m · 27.425 · Apuntado de alphaspiral Fotos0 Gente Rebirth: Earth Festival Poiana Cerbului, near Draga… · Rumania · Mapa mié, 29 abr 09, 22:00 - dom, 3 may, 12:00= 3d 14hFestival · / 15 · Termina: 15a 10m