Party 28 - 29 nov 15 · Indoor · Lima, Perú Line Up: * Hertzius * Pat Zadik * Galax * Kike Alzamora * Valium * Vimana MentalInfo: There are already two years promoting psychedelic culture in Peru, 2 years with many achievements, joys, experiences, ups and downs that eventually led us to this point where we are now. We want to ce…Location: La Parroquia resto bar jr. Rufino Torrico 893 centro histori… Termina: 9a 28d · 207 · Apuntado de pat zadik Fotos0 Gente 2nd Anniversary of Moonlight Music - psychedelic trance party Lima · Perú sáb, 28 nov 15, 21:30 - dom, 29 nov, 06:00= 8h 30minIndoor · Termina: 9a 28d