Party 8 - 9 abr 07 · Indoor · Hasselt, Bélgica Line Up: FRAKTOPHON Kairoo rec The youngest member of the Kairoo family, but not at least the less talented one.Wouter Notebeart joined the Kairoo stables a year ago after closing down his sound engineer educa…DELYSID Kairoo rec Delysid gave his first public appearance in 2003 at a legendary club called 'The Zoo', founded and owned in that time by dj Shive . His reputation and confidence grew behind the dec…Info: Due to some reasons the line up has changed, BUT, I can tell there will be a veeeerrryyyy nice surprise act!Location: The ZOO Kempense steenweg 106 3500 Hasselt Termina: 17a 11m · 1.887 · Apuntado de shiguftie Fotos0 Gente DELYSID'S SAY GOODBYE PARTY Hasselt · Bélgica · Mapa dom, 8 abr 07, 22:00 - lun, 9 abr, 12:00= 14hIndoor · Termina: 17a 11m