Party 12 - 13 may 07 · Open Air · waasland, Bélgica / 1 Line Up: DARK ECO (lysergic-asilum) BeMo Vs KeRe (lysergic-asilum)AZIDAX Vs ACETIC (materia-prima) GATA-GARASU (fubar) MAKKURA (fubar) NARCOSMIX (fubar) AIKKE (goairobics) NARCOSMIX (fubar) KUSTOM & CRISPOD (dragonhunters/fr) LYNX --->> (oldscool) (mentall-ill…Info: this a party 4 my doughter she is 7 months and has cancer we cant pay the bills!!! its 25000 euro to heal my baby!!! so plz party here and help my doughter tnx to the dj's and friends 4 all the hel…Location: info/ Termina: 17a 10m · 3.538 · Apuntado de some lsday's Fotos0 Gente 24hrs non stop!!! benefiet HELP MAYA!!! waasland · Bélgica sáb, 12 may 07, 22:00 - dom, 13 may, 22:00= 1dOpen Air · / 1 · Termina: 17a 10m