Party 22 oct 22, 11:00 - 23:00 · Open Air · Hong Kong, China Line Up: SpaceSlut N. Fox Feigogo Jeremy Chan Fung Jai Code 26Info: Ho Psy Pirates ☠ we needed to postpone the first event, but with the new date will go bigger again! 12 hours FULL POWER Psytrance at lower deck and Chill out at the upper deck!!! The boat trip w… Termina: 2a 4m · 139 · Apuntado de X-852 Reportes0 Fotos0 Meeting0 Gente 12h PsyFerry Hong Kong · China sáb, 22 oct 22, 11:00 - 23:00= 12hOpen Air · Termina: 2a 4m