Party 16 - 17 nov 24 · Indoor · Riga, Letonia Line Up: [Main Room] -WHRIKK -Skyvibes -E91 -Aurora222 [Teritorija Room] -Dep -Obscr -NufreakInfo: Terra Collective Events presents 》T E C H N O P A R A D I G M A《 16/11/2024 at 23.59! venue: eritorija Techno Pardigma featuring cutting edge music producers and Dj’s from abroad and the local scene…Location: Teritorija., Krišjāņa Barona iela 136, LV-1012 Riga Termina: 3m 29d · 170 · Apuntado de Spunion Reportes0 Fotos0 Meeting0 Gente Techno Paradigma Riga · Letonia · Mapa sáb, 16 nov 24, 00:00 - dom, 17 nov, 09:00= 1d 9hIndoor · Termina: 3m 29d