Party 26 - 27 jul 24 · Club · Beijing, China Line Up: Special guest DJ: Rob (BooM! Records) - NL - Support DJ's: Synovak - IT Kevin (Entropy) - CN Meng (YuanQi) - CN Bodysnatcher (DMT Records) - CN Psylulu (Synth303) - CN Flow Arts: 曹稚寅 Decorations: 熵增…Info: The end of the universe is the ascension of the body, and the end of the ascension is Amsterdam, the capital of the Netherlands. The Netherlands, a small, magical country in Western Europe, is known n…Location: Groundless Factory, 北京市朝陽區醉公墳甲5號安家IWORK文創園(水塔下)莫須有工廠 An Jia IWORK Cultural Innov…, 100000 Beijing Termina: 7m 15d · 142 · Apuntado de DJ Rob BooM! Records Reportes0 Fotos0 Meeting0 Gente Entropy - 熵增定律|星海蜃市|幻境交织 Beijing · China · Mapa vie, 26 jul 24, 22:00 - sáb, 27 jul, 04:30= 6h 30minClub · Termina: 7m 15d