Party 6 - 7 jul 24 · Indoor · München, Alemania Line Up: Shamanic World pres. Night of the Freaks 😈 Hard Facts: -> 3 Floors -> 2 Deko Teams -> Mindart Factory Shop -> Bodypainting -> Festivalbändchen -> 05:00-06:00 Uhr Putzstunde / Frische…Location: Schwarzer Adler, Opfinger Str. 2, 88459 München Termina: 7m 30d · 444 · Apuntado de Heimatlos Reportes0 Fotos0 Meeting0 Gente 🦅😈 Night of the Freaks 😈🦅 München · Alemania · Mapa sáb, 6 jul 24, 22:00 - dom, 7 jul, 10:00= 12hIndoor · Termina: 7m 30d