Party 5 - 6 mar 22 · Open Air · Boquete, Panamá Line Up: Mono fraktal PMA Synthetic Samadhi (live) Isotropic Sounds Records COSTA RICA Mr n0b0dy PMA Zander PMA Alux ARGENTINA Etheric Replica PMAInfo: The party will be on the forest in bajo boquete the locations is secret until the day of the event, more than 16 hours of psytrance music, open air space with rivers.Location: Boquete boquete Boquete Termina: 3a 7d · 212 · Apuntado de NewWorldMonkeys Reportes0 Fotos0 Meeting0 Gente New World Monkeys Psytrance Night Boquete · Panamá · Mapa sáb, 5 mar 22, 06:00 - dom, 6 mar, 12:00= 1d 6hOpen Air · Termina: 3a 7d