Party 1 - 2 feb 20 · Club · Zürich, Suiza Line Up: ► Stan Kolev /Official Page/ ► DJ Dream (CH) ► Ambient Pino ► Maria C ► FeLionixInfo: Haunting melodies, hypnotizing vocals and most of all heart- quenching synths. It is this perfect signature sound that has earned Miami-based DJ/Producer Stan Kolev, a place at the top of Progressive…Location: Die Alte Kaserne in Zürich ist gut mit den öffentlichen Verk… Termina: 5a 1m · 1.527 · Apuntado de Alte Kaserne Zürich Reportes0 Fotos0 Meeting0 Gente Phuture Rhythm presents: STAN KOLEV Zürich · Suiza · Mapa sáb, 1 feb 20, 23:00 - dom, 2 feb, 06:00= 7hClub · Termina: 5a 1m