Party 21 mar 20, 10:00 - 20:00 · Open Air · Beckenried, Suiza Line Up: ✓ PROFILER (CH) (Iono Music) ✓ MIGUZ (CH) (Future Universe) ✓ GEOMETRICO (CH) (Progy Virus / Future Universe) ✓ NATURS (CH) (Visions Of Paradise) ✓ LINKZ (CH) (Visions Of Paradise) ✓ ASKARI & LHAMO (B…Info: Deep in the otherworldly dimensions of the Swiss Alps a mystical creature has been hibernating trough winter. Awakened by your positive resonance the mighty Yeti-Shaman calls upon the psychedelic trib…Location: SILBI TIPI STUBE (SKIGEBIET KLEWENALP) website: Termina: 4a 11m · 6.043 · Apuntado de Askari Reportes0 Fotos0 Meeting0 Gente Snow Day Dance 2020 Beckenried · Suiza · Mapa sáb, 21 mar 20, 10:00 - 20:00= 10hOpen Air · Termina: 4a 11m