Party 31 jul - 4 ago 14 · Festival · Spengla lakeside, Valkininkai, Lituania Line Up: Already Maged Confabulus Daniel Deer Dogora DoHm E-Mantra Hawaiik Hopax Karash Kashyyyk Loopus in Fabula MirrorMe Nargun Ocelot Onionbrain Phase Re-Horakhty Reality Pixie Rye Smugglers Scope Tijah Tri…Info: If you are reading these words there must be a reason, perhaps you belong to Yaga people in this or other way. Symbol of this year’s gathering is a boiling pot where all of us are going to brew an eli… Termina: 10a 7m · 2.141 · Apuntado de shoom Fotos0 Gente YAGA - Psychedelic Gathering Spengla lakeside, Valkinink… · Lituania · Mapa jue, 31 jul 14, 12:00 - lun, 4 ago, 12:00= 4dFestival · Termina: 10a 7m