Party 31 jul - 4 ago 08 · Festival · Putlitz, Alemania / 74 Line Up: Amphipthere Allaby (UK) Atmos (S) Bitmonx vs. Dj Fabio (D) Chromatone (USA) Dejavoo (UK) Domestic (ISA) Earsugar (CH) Ibojima (S) Ix-Lamat (MEX) Koxbox (DK) Kularis (D) Lauge (DK) Liquid So…DJ Anti (S) DJ Burner (D) DJ Buzz T (AU) DJ Creator &. DJ Martin (CH) DJ Daksinamurti (D) DJ D.Z.N. (IL) DJ Feio (BR) DJ Fiacxa (I) DJ GMO (D) DJ Heribert and Jaaved (D) DJ Hopi (UK) DJ Inte…Info: VuuV Festival is the international gathering for trance music lovers from all over the globe. VuuV Festival will take place in North Germany between Hamburg and Berlin at a stunning outdoor location i…Location: Putlitz Termina: 16a 7m · 34.077 · Apuntado de Risha Fotos0 Gente VuuV Festival 2008 Putlitz · Alemania jue, 31 jul 08, 21:30 - lun, 4 ago, 06:00= 3d 8hFestival · / 74 · Termina: 16a 7m