Party 30 dic - 2 ene 14 · Festival · Christchurch, Nueva Zelanda Line Up: DUSTY FUNGUS GROUCH - Zenon Records 3 DAYS TO THE EAST SIE - Kaleidoscopic Earth REFLECTION - Maia Brasil Records UNSUB VS AMPHETIMESS JAHNE GREKO - Maia Brasil Records ALEXIS K FRUMP - Fool…Info: Twisted Frequency is set to be an audio and visual feast set in one of the most beautiful locations New Zealand has to offer with pristine Native bush surrounds and the bewitching Marlborough Sounds c…Location: Otatara Bay, Pelorus sounds Termina: 11a 1m · 2.499 · Apuntado de Dee Fotos0 Gente Twisted Frequency Christchurch · Nueva Zelanda lun, 30 dic 13, 12:00 - jue, 2 ene 14, 12:00= 3dFestival · Termina: 11a 1m