Party 19 - 22 jul 07 · Festival · green forest_cleanest river in Portugal, Portugal CANCELED Line Up: JOERG SHIVA _ shiva space technology _ DE ELSYSIUM _ avatar records _ BE FILTERIA _ suntrip records_SW KA-SOL _ suntrip records_SW THE MUSES RAPT _ibiza music _SP LOST BUDDHA _ shivlink records _ PT/I…JOERG _ shiva space technology _ DE CHRISTER LUNDSTROM(Ka-sol)_suntrip rec _ SW JUAN VERDERA(The muses rapt) _ibiza music_ SP ANOEBIS _ suntrip rec _ BE LOST BUDDHA _ shivlink rec _ PT/IRL GOASIA _ so…Info: ____ Kundalini is our emanation of the infinite, the energy of the cosmos inside of each one of us.Location: MORE INFOS SOON - PLEASE CHECK Termina: 17a 7m · 10.122 · Apuntado de Fly high Fotos0 Gente Return to the Source Festival 19-22 July Portugal green forest_cleanest river… · Portugal jue, 19 jul 07, 15:00 - dom, 22 jul, 20:30= 3d 5hFestival · CANCELED · Termina: 17a 7m