Party 6 - 8 abr 07 · Festival · Preonzo-TICINO, Suiza / 2 Line Up: Digitalist (Peak Rec./Drop Out Prod.) sat 4-7am MedicineMan(Creative Anarchy) sat 00-02amOcram ( Moon Drops) Labsense(Moon Drops) Reeloop(Moon Drops) Wax (Sblinders) Psysmael ( SKS/Creative Anarchy) Smile( Resident Religion Movement) Goa Face aka Medicine Man (Creative Anarchy) RV (Creati…Info: Butterfly Chaishop & Bar Space for camping dont forget warm clothes because the night can be quiet cold...Location: between Bellinzona and Biasca ...opposite of Claro enter th… Termina: 17a 11m · 2.756 · Apuntado de Dakini Fotos0 Gente OPENING DANCE Preonzo-TICINO · Suiza vie, 6 abr 07, 22:00 - dom, 8 abr, 15:00= 1d 17hFestival · / 2 · Termina: 17a 11m