Party 30 jul - 3 ago 09 · Festival · Krasny les (near)-Ústí nad Labem, República Checa CANCELED Line Up: ATMA ( Y.S.E Records, ) Romania ECTOGASMICS ( Fullmoon Records ) Germany / Sweden HORIZON ( Cosmixed Society / FunnyMoon ) USA KAJOLA ( Digital Tribe ) Austria SOTH ( K.N.E.C.H.T. ) Austr…(In FunNy OrDer:) Arkadius & Li'L Momo ( Planet B.E.N. Records ) Germany Absolut ( Cosmixed Society ) Sweden Anicca ( Cosmixed Society ) Austria DJane AnnA ( TG ) Switzerland Bull ( Dooflex Records )…Info: We would like to invite all beings to our little party out here:)!!! Don't be shy and move your spine, reprezent and respect all mammals and other ani-mals, people, aliens, illuminatis, demons, goblin…Location: Krasny Les-neer-Ústí nad Labem, Tschechische Republik (Czech… Termina: 15a 7m · 10.133 · Apuntado de Horizon Fotos0 Gente o0OFunnyMoonFestival-Be Aware of Your ConciounessO0o Krasny les (near)-Ústí nad… · República Checa jue, 30 jul 09, 18:00 - lun, 3 ago, 15:00= 3d 21hFestival · CANCELED · Termina: 15a 7m