Party 26 - 28 dic 14 · Festival · Villa Canales, Villa Nueva, Guatemala Line Up: We are very glad to announce a Special New Year Meeting for 2014-15 in the amazing land of Guatemala Fraktal Krew from Guatemala and Haunted Future Team from Greece after successful parties and festiv…Chyapo (Alice D Records, Fraktal Krew) Guatemala Cannabis Attack (Lamat Records) Guatemala Chlorophyllian (Biijah Records) Guatemala Ztarscream (Fraktal Krew) Guatemala Xochipilli (Fraktal Krew) Guate…Info: TRAVEL TIPS TO GUATEMALA From Europe to Guatemala City direct flights are pretty expensive if you need direct flight check through Frankfurt, Madrit, Barcelona, Amsterdam, London, Brussels, Pari…Location: Villa Canales, Villa Nueva, Guatemala Nearest Airport Guatem… Termina: 10a 1m · 7.197 · Apuntado de ModErs Fotos0 Gente MAGIK FESTIVAL 2014-2015 Villa Canales, Villa Nueva · Guatemala vie, 26 dic 14, 16:00 - dom, 28 dic, 20:00= 2d 4hFestival · Termina: 10a 1m