Party 9 - 11 sept 11 · Festival · on earth, Polonia Line Up: Phenotype (France) -?electro miraculum concept (Strange Spirit) -(Dark el Kante (Spain) - canceled Grey Alien (Spaceton - Austria) - canceled DocPsychedelicius - Dj Set (Strange Spirit ) Phenotypejim - (France) Antonio (Spaceton - Austria) - -canceled Doctorpsy…Location: A small magical piece of mother earth at the edge of the for… Termina: 13a 3m · 2.746 · Apuntado de e.m.c Fotos0 Gente KrajoBrazoLokum - "Czas Jaguara" - Open Air Gathering on earth · Polonia vie, 9 sept 11, 21:00 - dom, 11 sept, 14:00= 1d 17hFestival · Termina: 13a 3m